Lyrics The Bushwackers – Beneath the Southern Cross | New Today Lyrics

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View lyrics The Bushwackers – Beneath the Southern Cross | Lyrics of new songs.

This flag of blue and silver stars says, “We′re prepared to die”
For our rights to freedom beneath the southern sky
The blood of those poor working men who didn’t count the cost
Flows strong and red forever, beneath the southern cross

Verse 1
Seventy hours of misery
Fifty weeks of pain
Six days a week of slavery
For some rich boss’ game
They’ve found gold in Australia
If rumour has it true
I’ll work those seventy hours and more
I’ll be a rich man too

Verse 2
I walked a hundred miles
I fought the rock and climbed
Six days a week of slavery
No luck, no gold, no pay
Still sеventy hours of misery
Still licencе tax to pay
I saw the diggers rise a flag
I heard the diggers say

“This flag of blue and silver stars says, ‘We’re prepared to die’
For our rights to freedom beneath the southern sky
The blood of those poor working men who didn’t count the cost
Flows strong and red forever beneath the southern cross”


Verse 3
Then men held guns, not shovels
More men forced to fight
Soldiers came and shot us down
To prove they had the right
And we who carry on this fight
Remember what it cost
To raise the true Australian flag
Our flag, the southern cross

This flag of blue and silver stars says, “We′re prepared to die”
For our rights to freedom beneath the southern sky
The blood of those poor working men who didn’t count the cost
Flows strong and red forever, beneath the southern cross
This flag of blue and silver stars says, “We′re prepared to die”
For our rights to freedom beneath the southern sky
The blood of those poor working men who didn’t count the cost
Flows strong and red forever, beneath the southern cross


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In addition to this The Bushwackers – Beneath the Southern Cross you can see more lyrics here: here.

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