Mã số karaoke Mã số karaoke THAT OLD WIND 5 số Garth Brooks 31802 | Mới cập nhật

Có phải bạn đang karaoke và bạn muốn tìm kiếm mã số karaoke phải không? Nếu đúng như vậy thì bạn xem ngay mã số Mã số karaoke THAT OLD WIND 5 số Garth Brooks 31802 tại web Xem lời bài hát nhé.

Mã số karaoke Mã số karaoke THAT OLD WIND 5 số Garth Brooks 31802 – Mã số bài hát cập nhật nhanh nhất Việt Nam.

Mã số karaoke THAT OLD WIND 5 số Garth Brooks 31802


THAT OLD WIND Thêm vào yêu thích ma so karaoke that old wind

She dropped her boy
Nhạc sĩ: Garth Brooks

Lời bài hát THAT OLD WIND

¦She dropped her boy ŸŽ at school on time ŸŽ One less worry ŸŽ on her mind ŸŽ Now it’s off to work ŸŽ and on the radio ŸŽ Come’s an old ŸŽ familiar song ŸŽ And then ŸŽ the D.J.’s voice ŸŽ comes on ŸŽ And say’s he’s back ŸŽ in town tonight ŸŽ for one last show ŸŽ Her eyes well up ŸŽ with tears ŸŽ God could it be ŸŽ it’s been ten years ŸŽ Since that Autumn night ŸŽ outside the county fair ŸŽ When two strangers ŸŽ shared a night ŸŽ And in the darkness ŸŽ found a light ŸŽ That to this day ŸŽ is still alive ŸŽ and burning there ŸŽ He asked her twice ŸŽ to come along ŸŽ They said goodbye ŸŽ at the break of dawn ŸŽ ‘Cause you can’t ŸŽ hold back the wind ŸŽ If it’s meant ŸŽ to be again ŸŽ Then someday he’ll ŸŽ find his way back ŸŽ to her arms ŸŽ The marquee ŸŽ misspelled his name ŸŽ And not too ŸŽ many people came ŸŽ But that didn’t ŸŽ matter to them ŸŽ They laughed and loved ŸŽ all through the night ŸŽ And as they faced ŸŽ the morning light ŸŽ They found themselves ŸŽ standing there again ŸŽ And he asked her twice ŸŽ to come along ŸŽ They said goodbye ŸŽ at the break of dawn ŸŽ As his bus ŸŽ left out she cried ŸŽ With him standing ŸŽ by her side ŸŽ That ol’ wind ŸŽ had once again found ŸŽ its way home ŸŽ Someday he’ll tell her ŸŽ about the money he N

Trên là mã số karaoke bài hát mà bạn cần tìm rồi nhé.
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