Pimsleur Language Program: An Honest Review (From A Polyglot) – Website cung cấp video học tiếng Anh qua bài hát hay nhất

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Pimsleur Language Program: An Honest Review (From A Polyglot) | Kho video học tiếng Anh qua bài hát hữu ích nhất.

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Pimsleur Language Program: An Honest Review (From A Polyglot)
Pimsleur Language Program: An Honest Review (From A Polyglot)

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Những thông tin liên quan đến nội dung pimsleur.

Polyglot Gabriel Silva quickly reviews the Pimsleur Language Program..

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20 thoughts on “Pimsleur Language Program: An Honest Review (From A Polyglot) – Website cung cấp video học tiếng Anh qua bài hát hay nhất

  1. Ariel Diaz says:

    Pimsleur recently updated their subscription model. I was subscribed to French, and I noticed they upgraded my subscription to All Access at no extra cost. I’m sure all with an original subscription just got upgraded, too!

  2. Adrian Maurat says:

    I'm learning languages using Babbel and I want to spend my money using the best resources I could find. Do you think Pimsleur is the best to tandem with Babbel or should I use Lingq instead? I'm thinking which one I'm gonna use and subscribe for lifetime.

  3. Richard Gomes says:

    I prefer Callan Method, which is similar to Pimsleur in many ways. The main difference is that, with Callan, you employ the target language all the time, literally all the time, since lesson one, since the first sentence. Callan is a full immersion into the target language. Look for TPRS (another method) for more information on full immersion on a target language.

    The "problem" I'm having with Pimsleur is the constant back and forth between English and the target language. This makes me confused and it is becoming kind of boring due to this constant back and forth. I'm studying German and even in the level III they are still employing English in the middle of a German lesson; this should not be necessary since at this level a student has sufficient vocabulary to understand commands and respond to them. New words can be explained in the target language, without need of translation. This is affecting my mood, actually, and sometimes I start to rant against Pimsleur (like here!).

    With Pimsleur, you have to think about an answer to a command you receive, whilst with Callan you just repeat, repeat, repeat like a parrot and, pretty much like a parrot, you are able to deliver whatever you want without even thinking; you just deliver your will without any translation and without thinking about rules or whatever required to build sentences. I guess this level of command of the target language can be reached with Pimsleur too, but it takes far more time than Callan.

    Another difference is that Pimsleur is a self contained audio training whilst Callan requires audio and video, since the teacher will be providing you useful clues along the way, in particular in the beginning, when your vocabulary is literally zero. So, with Pimsleur, you can grasp a language without a teacher using only audio, whilst Callan without a teacher is possible but requires some additional study or support from companion books to the audio content.

  4. waleska isis says:

    Amo suas aulas professor sua didática é maravilhosa eu comprei seus cursos e depois das provas da faculdade que vou poder me dedicar mais e em 2021 está fluente.O seu inglês é perfeito.

  5. Niklas Persson says:

    I like pimsleur it is great for grammar and structure. You learn the accent and the melody of the language which is something many forget. I feel that I learned alot.

    But I am concerned that it more makes you an expert in how to say this English phrase in this language.

    I can stand there not knowing how to say something and slowly get it through. But give me the English sentence, example "I have to go away now" and I can say it in one second. And also I remember how to say a phrase correctly in the target language but then ending up not knowing what it meant.

    I am doing flashcards in Portuguese to English as I feel it helps me not translating everything in my head. And actually understand the phrase when I hear it in Portuguese.

    30 minutes for one lessons for me is impossible and I if I think I should finish one in 30 minutes I will just lose motivation and feel stupid.

    I do every lessons at least 2-3 times mostly 3. Now I learned to finish one every day. Before it took me 2-3 days as I repeated every lessons 5 times. So I started in May and now in November I am starting level 3. A slow start but the tool feels better when you go to the next lesson the next day.

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