Pitboss 2000 – Nailbomb Lyrics – New Today Lyrics

Are you searching for Pitboss 2000 – Nailbomb Lyrics? Would you like to see this lyrics? If that’s the case, then you can watch it right here.

View Pitboss 2000 – Nailbomb Lyrics | Lyrics of new songs.

Pack it up tightly we’re going to a show
Put it by the stage and run for the door
Detonation coming to blow up the stage
The death of ray cappo and we all say “yeah”

Happiness is beating all krshna fags

You are a waste your god is a fake

The old school fell to a fake god
When i look around i see whats wrong
So many kids following the fakes
Krshna bloodbath whatever it takes

Krshna bloodbath

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