They Told Me I Would Never Recover! – Lyrics new.

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This week’s episode is about the intimate sharing of the day I had my complete psychotic and adrenal breakdown, where I was given the diagnosis that I would …

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18 thoughts on “They Told Me I Would Never Recover! – Lyrics new.

  1. Livvy Maher says:

    Your story made me burst into tears… 5 months into NARP and I feel like a completely different person… my life is different… everyone around me is evolving with me, and I'm so unbelievably grateful for this journey. But your story woke me up to such a massive truth of where things could have been for me had I not looked into doing QFH… I cried and sat outside and felt everything there was to feel about being alive… The air felt amazing, the sun was shining, the feeling of connection to the Earth was indescribable… I realised what it meant to be alive, and how truly this journey has been about saving your own life and soul. I am so grateful. Thank you xxx

  2. Metal Rabbit says:

    People with psychiatric labels and narcissistic abuse issues are dealing with two sets of flying monkeys. In both situations, not advisable to fight from the inside.

  3. Alice Jackson says:

    Thank you for sharing your story. I believe sharing our personal experiences is so important, it reaches out to someone who is feeling isolated, as though they are the only one going through such things, and helps them to take the first steps toward self acceptance and self partnering, and can give them the inspiration that they too can get help from this healing community and from your 'healing tools and modality. I personally know this is effective and affordable. Thank you for making this available to us all. –Love the tips. Alice

  4. Jerrel Boyd says:

    I now see my narc as a 'gift', the final straw that's forcing me to get into the deepest parts of myself, the parts that I have refused to go into that have kept me in a state of fear and self hatred. My insight into this came in a dream I had about 9 months ago. In the dream I found myself surrounded by really creepy people, who were trying to put their hands on me. I got free of them, and then noticed in the distance, my wife had creepy men putting their hands all over her. I went to help her, but she and the men disappeared. I searched everywhere for her but could never find her, and I awoke in a state of near panic.
    I began searching online about 'energy vampires' and came upon the work of Michael Tsarian. His description of the psychic vampire was describing my wife to a T. About a week later I woke up around 1am and went outside, and 'knew' that the dream was about her. She is the vampire. I asked for a 'sign', and within 15 minutes 4 shooting stars streaked across the sky and flashes of light were going off in the sky behind me. Synchronicities were happening everywhere and very frequently. I knew what I had to do.
    You are doing very good work Melanie. I've watched several of your previous videos recently, and felt the connection deeply. This video explains a lot!
    Best to you and the beautiful souls that are being drawn to you as we all peal off the masks and return to our True Self.

  5. Mark Ferry says:

    I love you so much Mel, because I feel so many truths in your words. in my case none were abusing me, but me horrendously abusing myself and doing so badly and occasionally hurting people all around me expecially those who loved me the most, it required QFH to become aware of this. The true narcissistic abuse occured by me to myself. Who knows how many other truths will be revealed to me in future. I really need to heal. much love to you. 💛💙💜💚💖

  6. outofthegoldfishbowl etcetera says:

    I know people can recover- if and only if they
    go no contact
    do a complete inventory on themselves – not on the npd/bpd/abuser but on themselves to find out where their own cracks are eg
    – are they totally moral honest upstanding themselves?
    – do they play mind games too? – are they expecting someone else to take care of them – their emotions /their finances/ their physical health…their feelings their bills their debts their choices? in chortle, are they themselves mature honest enough to be a good partner for someone else, not just s creepy little people pleaser?
    – do they like charm and flattery? if so, why?
    – are they also manipulating others?
    – are they also pretending to be someone other than rho they really are?
    clean up your own act. that way lies sanity….

  7. leng_sf says:

    Wow. This is amazing. I've been watching your videos this past weekend and I just had one of those cerebral break downs like an hour ago. I had to pull over and stop driving. Then I remembered all the knowledge I've gotten on youtube this past month when I discovered my ex Narc was a malignant narc and that there is a title for all this. I broke out my voice recorder and just talked through the pain and tears. My face and hands were going numb and tingling. Instead of freaking out, I changed my thoughts and decided this was a good thing. This is that negative energy/spirit coming out of my body finally. After a few more moments I felt exhausted, but OKAY. Then I drive straight home and the first video I click of yours is this one. I didn't even know you posted it today, I just randomly clicked it. I believe this is an unmistakable sign from the Universe I am on my way. And I thank you! From the bottom of my heart!

  8. Elisabeth says:

    Melanie, I can relate to your story. I didn't suffer from so much pain and panic attacks though (I was able to stop it relatively soon, thanks Internet). I also had that revelation (like an encyclopedia being downloaded to my mind). I thank you for the information you provide.

  9. Claudia Jeldrez says:

    So beautiful! You fill me with such light and usefull elements to heal myself from the narcs in my life. Thank you so much. You have no idea how profoundly you're helping people all around the Globe 💖💚💛💜💎💜💛💚💖

  10. DarthShadie Lavellan says:

    I have visions sometimes, macabre visions, like a movie scene playing in ky head. I've had episodes where it was all I saw. Used to happen a lot. I never knew that it was called such narcotic episodes breakdowns. I never went to the hospital for it though. I would call my mom, my husband would help me. I did a therapy called mind detox. Meditation therapy. Screaming helps those thoughts go away. I don't have many anymore, only sometimes and like a memory or a day dream scene in my head. I never took anything for it. I am allergic to so many things, I don't take medication. I also remember being told I would never heal from depression. I am no longer depressed. I know I can heal from the NAS and PTSD as well, and my burnout is begining to not be much of a burnout anymore. Slowly but surely. I am healing. Thanks you for this wonderful video. I knew I wasn't alone to have experienced my gorey scenes in ky mind thing but to hear someone say it is reassuring. I know I made the right decision is not going to the hospital for drugs and it keping to do the hard work within myself. I see how far I've come, I know that someday I'll be where you are too. It's inspiring 🙂

  11. Nicholas Lewis says:

    Ive had this surreal experience once because of headgames an ex was playing with me…i can only explain it as being completely and totally emotionally and psychologically numb. "Comfortably numb." Hard to accurately explain unless youve experienced it yourself. I could just lay on the couch and pray this emotional deadening and almost a type of "euphoria" would never stop. i could just lay there and cherish every moment of it.

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