Tonight you belong to me but you're alone in an abandoned mall – Lyrics new.

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Tonight you belong to me but you're alone in an abandoned mall | See Lyrics free.

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Finally lmao
I know you guys miss the scary videos, but like I said, I’ll try october be full of them

Hope you like this one!

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Lou xx

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42 thoughts on “Tonight you belong to me but you're alone in an abandoned mall – Lyrics new.

  1. pringles03_ 30 says:

    you and your team are walking into a damp, decrepit store; the letters above the entrance falling off. it takes a moment to make out the words but eventually your eyes adjust to the dark and in big letters you can make out, ‘Macy’s’ though, the a had completely fallen off of the wall.

    “hey, is your flashlight still working? mine went out a while ago.”

    “yeah, give me a minute.”

    you heard the sound of the the heavy flashlight being shaken.

    “she’s still got some juice.”

    the stream of light from the flashlight shone into the the now deteriorating part of the building; moss and vines clung to the walls and ceiling.

    all of you spared each other a glance; taking a step forward into the Macy’s, a slight tremble crept up your spine.

    all of a sudden, a loud static rang throughout the building, causing you to jump

    choppy music cut through the silence, the audio breaking consistently.

    “i…i thought you said the speakers don’t work.” nancy, a woman on your team murmurs

    “they don’t.”

    the air feels thick as you all stand in the silence after the song comes to an end.

    out of the corner of your eye you catch a blurry figure shifting in darkness ahead of you

  2. Lewis Herman says:

    "Please clean your shit before leaving"

    Copy this and spread it to all abandoned stuff so they can hear us and demolish such nightmare things to let the nature grow instead of a shitty cement blocking it

  3. artsy doodles says:

    Pov: your in the empty when everyone forgot about you, you have been going there for awhile and bow you where going to jump but as you fell you realize after while your still not dead, then you find out some ghosts saved you.

  4. TezzicaXXRoast says:

    “Rebecca I know it’s you so stop it your not very funny!”
    “It is me”
    “Becky why is your voice so raspy?! What happened to you?!”
    “I did it”

  5. cloudtoxic says:

    you were happily playing in the mall until the bang. what happened? why arent you in the cottage anymore with your friends?
    " mom? where are you? "
    " ew.. whats that smell… "
    " oh my god.. is that.. A BODY- "
    it was yours, in the little cottage for playing. you were wounded, but no one else was around. you now roamed the mall unable to think of what happened, when in reality—you died. your soul roams the distorted version of your mall, scared and afraid of everything. who else ever comes in your grasp, will never be seen again. you were so desperate for life, that you kill them, unknowingly. you were now a creature of the mall. have fun.

  6. Travis Scott says:

    Pov: You were being chased in the middle of nowhere by a dark entity, the mall was the closest place to hide from the entity. You ran into the abandoned mall to find a bathroom to hide in a stall and on your way to the bathroom, this song starts playing. You stop because you like this song and then you stop to realize the song shouldn’t be playing if this mall is abandoned. You kept running, then as you turn the corner, you see the entity so you take the opposite direction and see the same entity you just saw a second ago. You knock yourself in the head with your hand thinking you’re delusional and you’re imagining things and then all of a sudden, you feel a knife stabbing over and over into your head, you fall to the ground, and watch yourself bleed out, and your eyes shut while listening to this song then the last thing you hear is a whisper saying, “you belong to me tonight…”

  7. MesiMyst says:


    You're running alone in an abandoned mall, something was following you back then..a strange black figure. It isn't walking or anything, it's floating and continuesly drifting in the air following you (basically a ghost), and it's getting faster…and faster. You hit the corners fast and continue to run. As you're getting tired, you stop and quickly look behind can't see much, the wide corridor looks like a black void,the only light source there is a bit of sun rays from the tiny holes in the ceiling. All of the sudden,the song plays. You began to cry. And before you could do anything, a strange force pulled you immediately to the darkness in an old clothing shop near you.. as the lyric says "tonight you belong to me~"

    The camera perspective just zooms out slowly from the void you're dragged into as the song continues..

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