Xem lời bài hát Love Like Woe | Lời bản nhạc hay nhất tại đây.

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Lyrics bài
Love Like Woe hay nhất tại đây.

Woe oh, oh, oh!
Woe oh, oh, oh!
I kinda feel like it don’t make, like it don’t make
Feel like it don’t make sense
I’m thinking baby you and I are undeniable
But I’m finding now love’s unreliable
I’m given all I got to make you stay
Or am I just a roadblock in your way?

‘Cause your a pretty little windstorm
Out on the boulevard
Something like a sunset
Oh, you’re a shooting star
And I might drive myself insane
If those lips aren’t speaking my name

‘Cause I got some intuition
Or maybe I’m superstitious
But I think you’re a pretty sweet pill that I’m swallowing down
To counter this addiction
You got me on a mission
Tell me darling can I get a break, some how
Can I say no?

She’s got a love like woe (Woe oh oh oh)
Girl’s got a love like woe (Woe oh oh oh)
(Ba da da)
I kinda feel like it don’t make sense
beacause you’re bringing me in
And now you’re kicking me out again

Love so strong (Woe oh oh oh)
Then you moved on (Woe oh oh oh)
Now I’m hung up in suspense
Because you’re bringing me in
And then you’re kicking me out again

It’s like a hurricane
Speed train
She’s a moving car
Go catch her in the fast lane
Oh I gotta know
Can I keep up with her pace?
Kick it into gear when I see that face

You can take up all my time ’cause you’re the only one
That can make a storm cloud break
Pulling out the sun
And I can get caught in the rain
Can I get your lips to speak my name?

‘Cause I got some intuition
Or maybe I’m superstitious
But I think you’re a pretty sweet pill that I’m swallowing down
To counter this addiction
You got me on a mission
Tell me darling can I get a break, some how
Can I say no?

She’s got a love like woe (Woe oh oh oh)
Girl’s got a love like woe (Woe oh oh oh
(Ba da da)
I kinda feel like it don’t make sense
‘Cause you’re bringing me in
And now you’re kicking me out again

Love so strong (Woe oh oh oh)
Then you moved on (Woe oh oh oh)
Now I’m hung up in suspense
Because you’re bringing me in
And then you’re kicking me out again

Because we only have one life
The timing in the moment
All seem so right
So would you say you’re mine? (We’ll be just fine)
Would you say you’re mine? (We’ll be just fine)

She’s got a love like woe (Woe oh oh oh)
Girl’s got a love like woe (Woe oh oh oh)
(Ba da da)
I gotta feel like it don’t make sense
‘Cause you’re bringing me in
And now you’re kicking me out again

Love so strong (Woe oh oh oh)
Then you moved on (Woe oh oh oh)
Now I’m hung up in suspense
Because you’re bringing me in
And then you’re kicking me out again

She’s got a love like woe (Woe oh oh oh)
Girl’s got a love like woe (Woe oh oh oh)
(Ba da da)
I kinda feel like it don’t make sense
‘Cause you’re bringing me in
And now you’re kicking me out again

Love so strong (Woe oh oh oh)
Then you moved on (Woe oh oh oh)
Now I’m hung up in suspense
Because you’re bringing me in
And then you’re kicking me out again

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Love Like Woe.

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Love Like Woe

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