Xem lời bài hát Spectrum (Say My Mame) | Lyrics bản nhạc mới ra mắt tại đây.

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Spectrum (Say My Mame)phải không? Nếu đúng như vậy thì bạn xem ngay tại web Xemloibaihat.com nhé.

Lời bài hát
Spectrum (Say My Mame) mới ra mắt tại đây.

1. When we first came here
We were cold and we were clear
With no colors in our skin
We were light and paper thin.

And when we first came here
we were cold and we were clear
With no colors in our skin
‘Til we let the spectrum in.

[Chorus:]Say my name
And every color illuminates
We are shining
And we will never be afraid again.

Say my name
As every color illuminates
We are shining
And we will never be afraid again.

Say my name
As every color illuminates
We are shining
And we will never be afraid again.

2. And when we come for you
We’ll be dressed up all in blue
With the ocean in our arms
Kiss your eyes and kiss your palms.

And when it’s time to pray
We’ll be dressed up all in grey
With metal on our tongues
And silver in our lungs.


* And when we come back we’ll be dressed in black
And you’ll scream my name aloud
And we won’t eat and we won’t sleep
We’ll drag bodies from a ground.

[Chorus:]So say my name
And every color illuminates
And we are shining
And we’ll never be afraid again.

Say my name
As every color illuminates.

Say my name
As every color illuminates
We are shining
And we will never be afraid again.

Say my name
As every color illuminates
We are shining
And we will never be afraid again.

Say my name
We are shining
Say my name
Say my name
And we will never be afraid again.

Trên là toàn bộ thông tin về lyric bài hát
Spectrum (Say My Mame) mà bạn cần tìm rồi nhé. Xemloibaihat.com chúc bạn tìm được lời bản nhạc theo ý muốn của mình nha.

Tìm kiếm liên quan đến chủ đề Lyrics bản nhạc
Spectrum (Say My Mame).

#Spectrum #Mame

Spectrum (Say My Mame)

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